Cherry Pill took a detour this year and recorded an instrumental album titled Si Tu Savais. Si Tu Savais is a collection of well-loved standards that have helped shape Cherry Pill’s sound over the years, including rousing gypsy jazz inspired by Reinhardt and Grappelli, a touching rendition of Puccini’s O Mio Babbino Caro, and much more.
Kristel and Rory of Cherry Pill decided to record Si Tu Savais as a tribute to some of the composers and songs that influenced them when they first started playing together over 10 years ago, performing various styles of jazz standards as an instrumental duo at restaurants and craft markets. Their mutual love of the eclectic styles of music found on this album is what ultimately lead them to begin collaborating on writing original music together, culminating in their 2014 release, Chocolate Box. Although today their sound has evolved into something uniquely their own, much of that sound is owed to the influence of the great composers and performers whose songs they grew up performing, and Si Tu Savais represents a raw and unvarnished return to those early days.
Album Review of Si Tu Savais by Bruce Dennill
The album is available for download at as well as on Itunes and various streaming platforms.