A Humble Gift – Mercedes Benz Event

2022-02-18T19:39:11+02:0013 October 2016|Categories: Live Music, Music for Events, Performance Updates|Tags: , |

The Mercedes Benz Long Service Awards was a touching event to sing and perform violin for. One particular prize-winner told this story as the highlight of his career. As part of a manufacturing plant for Mercedes Benz back in 1993, he and the other workers were excited about the upcoming release from prison of Nelson Mandela. They decided as a group to build a red Mercedes Benz for him upon his release. Without extra pay the workers added an additional hour to their working day in which to complete the car. This man has since stayed on at Mercedes Benz and worked in much higher positions. I was struck by how much a difference one’s actions can make, no matter how humble your station may be.

Corporate Dinner Concert

2022-02-18T19:40:51+02:0015 August 2016|Categories: Live Music, Music for Events, Performance Updates|Tags: , |

As a violinist at a corporate dinner event, I try to keep my repertoire varied and engaging throughout the evening and as a singer-songwriter for my group Cherry Pill I try to include a few vocal numbers as well over the course of an evening to add a little something extra. So on this particular corporate dinner event on 11 August 2016 I decided to subtly slip in one of my original songs ‘The Call’ into the awards dinner line-up and was pleasantly surprised when this was the song that got the big applause.

Violin and the Volvos

2022-02-18T19:42:41+02:006 August 2015|Categories: Live Music, Music for Events, Performance Updates|Tags: , , |

Despite the chilly evening on Friday 31 July many Volvo enthusiasts, young and old, braved the cold to be among the first to see the new XC90. There were a range of Classic and Sport model Volvo’s on display from private collectors as well.

My brief was to create drama and suspense with violin music before the great reveal, which went down with much excitement. I couldn’t even get a photo with the new car the crowd was so thick around it!

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