Still The Rain-New Violin Music Out Today

2022-12-09T13:03:59+02:009 December 2022|Categories: Music, new violin compositions|Tags: , , , , , , |

Feeling pensive or looking for something to chill out to today? Here’s a song for that!

Still the Rain, brand new, off the press for your listening pleasure.

Still the Rain link:


Appl Music


The rain motif-ostinato in the piano is off-set with a lyrical violin melody that is reflective with a fanciful twist.

As an instrumentalist and composer Kristel received a Bronze Medal Instrumentalist Award from the Global Music Awards in July 2022 for her composition “Wildflower”.

Other similar posts:

Wildflower-Contemporary Classics

Wildflower find a place in new playlists

Semifinalist in International Songwriting Competition

2022-02-28T18:14:33+02:0028 February 2022|Categories: new violin compositions, Recordings|Tags: , , , , , |


Wildflower that you entered has been selected as a semi-finalist in the 2021 International Songwriting Competition (ISC). We received more than 21,000 entries, and semi-finalists make up only 11% of all entries, so this is a remarkable achievement!

So delighted to hear my instrumental Violin Song ‘Wildflower’ is selected as a semifinalist. For a full list of the semifinalists visit the International Songwriting Competition site at

Original Violin Music

Wildflower find a place in new playlists

Wildflower find a place in new playlists

2021-11-18T16:30:18+02:0018 November 2021|Categories: new violin compositions, Recordings|Tags: , , , , , |

Thanks to ‘It’s Classical’ for adding my new song ‘ Wildflower’ to their fine playlist. It features new classical compositions as well as re-arrangements of classical works.

Well worth a listen . Great for studying , chilling, driving or de-stressing too!

Visit the playlist here:



Wildflower-Contemporary Classics

New Music Friday: Wildflower



Wildflower-Contemporary Classics

2021-10-29T12:41:06+02:0029 October 2021|Categories: Music, new violin compositions|Tags: , , , |

Piano music fans are in for a treat with this playlist. ‘Focusing Minimal Piano & Contemporary Classics’ is a great laid back playlist for working or studying to. It is mainly piano based but includes some violin and cello as well. Check out the compilation by Igor Longhi here

You’ll find my new instrumental “Wildflower” included here amongst such great company!

New Music Friday: Wildflower

New Playlisting-Tears That Flow (Instrumental)

New Music Friday: Wildflower

2021-10-22T18:59:28+02:0022 October 2021|Categories: Music, new violin compositions, Recordings|Tags: , , |

Wildflower an original song for Violin and Piano goes live today. Inspired by the times we live in it is a composition reminiscent of a fragile beauty that thrives under harsh conditions.
Please let me know what you think !
Thanks to Ashlea Martin for the superb piano playing!
Sheet music is available , please see the links below.
YouTube video:
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