UK Song Writing Competionion-Special Commendation for ‘Tears That Flow’

2023-01-24T18:24:50+02:0024 January 2023|Categories: Music for Events|Tags: , , , , |

We were super excited to hear we have a special commendation for our song ‘Tears That Flow’ from the UK Songwriting Competition for 2022.

Inspired by overcoming a period of physical and personal drought Tears that Flow recalls the feeling of longing for the return of something you once had or a hunger for something new. The uplifting ‘Tears That Flow’ will gently lift your spirits.

To take a listen to the song, you can find it on your favourite platform:


Apple Music:…


We’ve got some new music coming soon!

2022-11-11T17:31:16+02:0011 November 2022|Categories: Music for Events|Tags: , , , , |

Looking for some fresh music? We’re just putting the finishing touches to our new single ‘Bare’ ready for release on 16 December. Look out for some more sneak-peaks and let us know what you think of the song!

 A short video is available here: Bare snippet

Other similar releases:

New Playlisting-Tears That Flow (Instrumental)

New Album by Cherry Pill: Instrumental in their Success

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