Morning, Noon or Night

2022-02-18T19:31:12+02:0017 May 2019|Categories: Live Music, Music for Events|Tags: , , |

Early mornings or late evenings, music can happen morning, noon or night! This was an early start for a breakfast conference networking event at Birchwood Hotel. Thanks to the fabulous Hands-On Promotions team who made it happen.

The interactive screen which was a hub on the day was provided by Digital Display Technologies

Flash Mob Tango

2022-02-18T19:34:27+02:007 December 2018|Categories: Live Music, Music, Music for Events|Tags: , |

Early morning office staff, casually drinking their first coffee in the canteen were treated to a Flash Mob Tango performance. In amazement, everyone took out their phones and forgot about their coffee for 3 minutes whilst being whisked away to the streets of Buenos Aires . The local corporate are running an incentive trip to Argentina and the tango performance was part creating momentum to the competition.

Light Up!

2022-02-18T19:34:32+02:0014 November 2018|Categories: Live Music, Music for Events|Tags: , |

Twinkling lights and sweeping lasers make for an unforgettable show. At the recent Eskom Young Scientists Awards event for 2018 Laserx and I teamed up to create a show-stopping opening act complete with Laser bow and heads, Chroma LED dress and violin.

And the work the students produce at the Young Scientists awards is truly inspiring.

Visit Laserx to see more amazing work at:

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