Movie Premier

2024-12-12T17:26:20+02:0012 December 2024|Categories: Live Music|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Setting the scene for a movie premier at Northgate Mall. Thanks to @orientalFire for organizing the event. and



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Married at First Sight

2022-02-18T19:37:04+02:0020 October 2017|Categories: Live Music, Music, Music for Events, Performance Updates|Tags: , |

Tonight is the night, catch Married at First Sight to view the wedding ceremony of the current contestants.
The venue, Faircity Roodevallei and the décor is superb and the whole event took an interesting turn.

Tune in to Lifetime Channel 131 at 20H50 to see what happened!

Married at First Sight Shoot.

2022-02-18T19:38:01+02:001 August 2017|Categories: Live Music, Music for Events, Music for Weddings, Performance Updates|Tags: , |

A wedding with a difference today, I’m on set to film a wedding for the Reality Show ‘Married at First Sight’.
I can’t say too much about today as the show will only be aired in October this year, but for now I can share the beautiful setting at Faircity Roodevlei overlooking the river.

Filming for Elephants

2022-02-18T19:38:36+02:0026 January 2017|Categories: Recordings|Tags: , |

As delicious coffee aromas hung thick in the air at Urban Grind Coffee Roastery in Parkhurst, a small film crew headed by passionate wildlife videographer Paul Mills, started setting up camera angles. The story for the shoot was to create a typical morning on-the-go scenario of a woman drinking a cappuccino.

The punchline of the shoot is that in the time it takes to drink a cuppa, an elephant has been shot. Paul, who directed and scripted the shoot is making the hard-hitting scene with the aim of shocking everyday people out of complacency. To preserve the future of wildlife for our children and their children’s children, it is important to act now.

It was fun to shoot the scenes drinking coffee, which is a pastime I enjoy, but to drink up for a good cause was even better.

The resident barista at the Urban Grind coffee shop has been practicing his latte […]

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