Laser Violin

2024-05-27T13:03:47+02:0027 May 2024|Categories: Live Music|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

This event for PNS group started on a high note with a Laser Violin and Laser show opening up proceedings.

Other similar Events:

Laser Violin

Laser Violin for the opening of the UFS

LED Violin and Ballerinas

LED Violin for Awards Ceremony


Lights, cameras, music!

2023-12-01T12:51:42+02:001 December 2023|Categories: Music for Events|Tags: , , , , , , |

A mesmerizing live violin performance for a year-end event. The combination of the exquisite music and the stunning LED light-dress and LED violin created a magical atmosphere that transported guests and had every phone out.  An unforgettable evening of music and visual brilliance! 

To see a video of the night please visit: LED Violin Show

Other similar posts:

LED Violin and Dress

Light up, light up!

LED Violin for Awards Ceremony

LED Violin for Awards Ceremony

2022-11-01T13:45:19+02:001 November 2022|Categories: Live Music|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

A light up the room LED and Dress performance!

It was a perfect match to have LED violin and dress as a highlight, opening act the proceedings with a few concert numbers for this year end Gala Dinner Event.

A video of the night can be seen here: LED Violin for Gala Dinner


Other similar events:

All Lit Up



LED Violin and Dress

2022-10-11T13:49:16+02:0011 October 2022|Categories: Arrival music, Live Music, Music for Events, Performance Updates|Tags: , , , , , , |

A Night of a Thousand Stars with LED Violin and Dress to welcome guests to a glittering event in Sandton.

Here is a short video from the evening. LED Violin Performance

Other similar performances:

LED Violin

A Night with the Stars

A Night with the Stars

2022-06-14T11:41:35+02:0014 June 2022|Categories: Arrival music, Dinner Music, Live Music|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

The LED Dress with violin performance lights up the room and creates an impact for guests at recent event themed ‘A Night with the Stars’.

To view a video of teh event, please visit: LED Dress and Violin Performance

To light up your brand with an LED dress and violin performance, get in touch at

Violinist for an Event

LED Violin

Awards Evening

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